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Today we tested our new signals for the Mile 5/Scotts Crossing Road module on the C&C. C&C practice is(or will be now that we know that our 'cheaping out' to buy inexpensive Chinese made signals didn't fail) that a lower head at a siding indicates occupancy status of the "Car 2" position. Any entering car will trip it to red; it will turn to yellow 30 seconds later by which time the car ought to be in the "Car 1" position or have returned to the main. 30 seconds beyond that the signal displays green.




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  • DSC03238
  • DSC03235
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Originally Posted by John A DeAlto:

C.M McMahon

You take a look at Intregrated Siganls System. They have some nice Signals controller and some nice new NYC Transit Siganls also.


Good Luck, John    

Thank you John! Our control system for the signals is "Logic Rail" The main line has much more sophisticated coverage, the signals being triggered by trains entering or leaving the block....we went cheap with the sidings though....

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