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You don't see these often for sale, i.e., an assembled tinplate Smith Metal Works Engine House/Train Shed.  I have no interest in its sale (I already have three, which I'll be using on SGMA modules), but it appears to be in mint condition and complete, i.e., includes the optional end plate to close off one end of the engine house if desired.  (Note: Optional end plate can be seen resting on the floor inside the engine house).


Who else has one of these on their SG layout?  Pictures please!





Smith Metal Works train shed-engine house

Smith Metal Works train shed-engine house 2


Images (2)
  • Smith Metal Works train shed-engine house: Side view of Smith Metal Works engine house
  • Smith Metal Works train shed-engine house 2: End view of Smith Metal Works engine house with optional end plate shown resting on the floor.
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