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My engine smokes in neutral when I have the throttle up to about 80%.   However , there is very little smoke output when running at normal speeds around the track.   PS1 effects does not have the puffing smoke, but a constant smoke where the fan is always on.    I am thinking of inserting  some diodes at the motor to drop the voltage, thereby giving more voltage to the smoke unit.  Any other ideas?  Perhaps I need to get a PS2 or PS3 Railking engine.



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Last edited by Drummer3
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I measured the voltage today and here's what I found.  In neutral, the smoke has medium output at 14 volts, and heavy output at 15.5 volts.   When going forward, the engine is too fast at 10 volts, and there is no smoke output.   BTW, what is the ohm rating of the heater resistor and what is the constant voltage applied to the resistor?  Perhaps it needs replacing??


Last edited by Drummer3

George is likely right, the primitive "regulator" I mentioned probably isn't switching the resistors.  At around 10-11 volts, the transistor in question should start conducting and short out one of the 16 ohm resistors and leaving only one with the full voltage across it.  It sounds like that's not happening.  Here's the schematic if you feel like swapping a part or two.

MTH PS-1 Smoke Unit Schematic


Images (1)
  • MTH PS-1 Smoke Unit Schematic

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