Hi friends, I inherited several trains from my late father (most from the early 2000's) and one, in particular, is perplexing me. It's a hard-to-locate Lionel conventional Lionel Delaware and Hudson 2-6-2 Model 6-18626 that I can barely find information about online. It will operate fine for the first 30 seconds or so that I run it, then it faults the transformer and stops. I removed the motor/wheels from the housing and I think located the problem: The smoke unit. It's burned up on the outside and smokes prolifically from the outside of the smoke unit (not the inside). However, I can't find part numbers online about this locomotive, nor can I find any identification on the smoke unit itself (pictured here). I found a used 17606-100 unit on ebay that looks mostly the same, but I'm unsure. I've searched the forum but haven't been able to find anyone posting about a similar problem. I'm decently mechanical but completely new to trains. Thanks in advance for any advice/help.
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