The smoke unit isn't producing any smoke ,this is engine is # 6-28855 ,TMCC ,i took the shell off & i noticed right away that there was a wire just hanging in there ,just under the wire was a 3 pin harness with a black wire going to the center ,i don't know where the wire should get connected to ,either to the left ,or right i don't want to try it for fear i may push it into the wrong slot & ruin the electronics ,the wire looks like it is a brown one ,can anyone tell me which side to put the wire in ?,& second question how can i prevent it from popping out again . I have included 2 photos ,but it is hard to see the brown wire .Added 2 more pictures i hope they may be a little clearer.
Any help is appreciated. I forgot to mention that the resister isn't heating up .
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Anybody care to make a guess ?,i hate to try it & ruin something else.
Out of focus pictures make it really hard to see what you're seeing.
In any case, a clear picture of the top of the smoke unit would be useful. Without seeing it, the missing wire would connect to the pin that also goes to the diode on the PCB for the smoke fan. It'll obviously be one of the outside wires. If the wire doesn't "click" into the 3-pin shell, you may need a new shell or a new contact on the wire.
I can't make out the traces from your picture, but if you look closely on the circuit board check to see if the 2 outside (Pins 1 & 3) aren't already connected on the board. If so then the missing pin wouldn't matter which side it goes on. I don't have that exact square 8 ohm smoke unit in my part stash. This design uses one of those smoke regulators (small pcb in heat shrink) which controls the power to the heater.
Hence the request for clear pictures Jim.
Hey GRJ I resisted recommending a super chuffer if the wire doesn't fix it! <grin> You beat me responding by mere seconds, your response wasn't there when I was typing...
Smart man, the Super-Chuffer won't fix the heater power.
GRJ you had 3 hours to respond you slacker.
@Jim Sandman posted:You beat me responding by mere seconds, your response wasn't there when I was typing...
Jim, you have to work on your typing speed!
My initial post was time-stamped...
Your post right after it was time-tamped...
I may not be a fireball typist (but I'm not bad), but nine minutes for compose that message is a little slow...
I was digging through my part stash of smoke units...
John ,i took 2 more pictures of the top of the smoke unit as you suggested ,i don't know if it gives you any more help,& Jim i looked at the traces on the board & based on my very limited knowledge i don"t see the 1&3 pins connected ,however the # 3 pin does have a tracer coming from it & thats where the wire was when i took the shell off just under the # 3 pin ,so my guess is thats where the wire should go & if you guys agree with that ,then let me know what you think .One more think i didn't see any tracer coming from the # 1 pin ,bear in mind this stuff is a little over my head is it likely that there isn"t any tracer coming from the # 1 pin?
Some smoke units separated pin #1 and #3 to allow for separate control of the smoke fan. However, there's usually a trace on either one. To be honest, without looking at it, I won't make a recommendation as I don't have that smoke unit handy to examine.
BTW, when I talk about clear pictures, I'm thinking more along the lines of this. I don't need to see the whole engine to answer the question, but I do need to see where traces actually go on the smoke unit! When you're asking us to guide you in such matters, it's really important to have enough data to make an intelligent answer that won't blow something up.
All is well ,the brown wire did go into the #3 pin ,everything working fine . Thanks for all your help !!!!!!!
John ,your picture is really clear ,i don't know if my little camera can match that ,i don't have a smart phone ,don't need it if i did have one i am sure it would take better pictures than my small camera ,i will have to experiment a little with it .