Al, too bad you had to miss the meet, especially under the circumstances. I did pick up a string of Marx articulated cars that are missing a lot of paint... should be a good project to extend my gray Mercury articulated set. Lots of stuff there, it was an excellent show. I was very happy to get a little IVES clockwork project:

The Ives #1 has a motor, but it is missing a wheel, the governor and has a stripped gear - not to mention body damage. The Ives #6 body has less damage, so I may transplant the motor into it. I have seen a picture of a #6 with those drivers and what appears to be that motor, although they apparently came with different drivers over the years. Perhaps some of the knowledgeable IVES collectors will give some input as to whether or not this would be an appropriate motor for the #6. The motor shouldn't be a problem to fix, other than the fact it would be nice to find a matching wheel. But, with a broken pilot on the body, it won't be a proper restoration anyway, so a mis-matched homemade wheel should be OK for a runner. But, this project will have to wait its turn... there are a couple of other windup projects ahead of it!
Anyone else have some treasures from the show?