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What is the requirement for replacing driver tires on steam locomotives due to wear.  For example; using a UP 4-8-4, the plans say that it has 80" drivers.  How much wear has to occur before that tire has to be replaced with a new one.  If there is 1 inch of tire wear that brings the driver size down to 78"  To me that sounds like a lot of wear.

Thanks in advance,


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For normal wear and tear, it probably had to do with tread & flange profile as much as anything, and they use gauges to determine that. Once just one gets worn to the condeming limit, all the tires have to be replaced, or treaded back to correct profile if thick enough, even if just one is bad, to keep them all exactly the same diameter, After they get to the point they can't be turned or treaded again, they all have to be replaced at the same time.  They used to have "Multi wear" wheels for freight cars, they started out new with a very thick rim, that was good for several turnings, but again, both wheels on an axle had to be turned at the same time to the exact same diameter.

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