Finally ran a 2004 purchased 3rd Rail M1b under TMCC on my nearly completed layout. Performance and sound was great for nearly twenty minutes until smoke came out of the cab while backing into siding. Speed sensor burned up and most likely took out R2LC as it is the power source for the sensor. No replacement parts as TAS EOB is so yesterday.
Sound board and it's power supply seem fine. Communicated with Ken at ERR about getting one of their RS4 motherboard/power supply boards. Long gone.
I'm committed to replacing the EOB with an ERR Cruise Commander but would very much like to salvage the RS4 sound. Another $80 or so for a generic sound set seems too punitive. I've been all through the Lionel RS4 - RS5 motherboards but from the many descriptions, tiny pictures, and even some steam tender wiring schematics can not make a truly informed choice. Looking for a board to use the serial out from the Cruise Commander, need only the RS board/Power supply, and if necessary, utilize a chuff sensor. Any suggestions?