looking to lay down authentic looking cement or wood flooring for a passenger station im building. Wondering who makes nice o gauge flooring that is easy to "stick" or glue on. Thanks!
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I've used regular self stick floor tiles from Home Depot. Just cut to the building size your done. You can also use there free wood floor samples.
For concrete you might think about the 'gritty' spray paints from Rustoleum, Krylon, etc.
It all depends on the amount of realism you are interested in achieving. There are no O gauge ready floors that I am aware of. There are many ways to create/produce/fabricate. Etc. Provide a little more information as to size, era, type of station. Are you interested in prototype, accurate scale, etc.
I can better assist you with a little more info...on exactly what kind of build you are after...
Are those printed on card stock, or built on it John?; I can't tell.
A stab at high quality printing was going to be my suggestion, if those are prints, I can't think of an easier way to realism .
Check out doll house web sites. They have all kinds of actual wood flooring. The scale may be a bit off but it should be close enough. One web site is Doll house miniatures
I've used scribed siding. You can get different width boards and you can stain it what ever color you want. Also have used photos of carpet or rugs over thin basswood sheet.
Gene Anstine
Plastruct sells all kinds of flooring in sheet form but you will need to paint them.
I've used a jig I made to score lines in wood to make crates. I used a piece of plastic base with a guide on one end, with staggered nail points sticking just above the surface spaced at the width I want for the boards. This will allow you to make flooring from any width material you choose. For the cross joints use a fine blade hobby knife and a square to score fine lines. Joints should be staggered. I've done this same procedure in the 1' to 1' world to make custom paneling from veneer plywood, I just used a fine point bit on the router.