Well...I got a few emails from members here on the forum encouraging me to take a turn at starting the showcase...so....here it is!
Hope you all have had a great weekend so far!
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Well...I got a few emails from members here on the forum encouraging me to take a turn at starting the showcase...so....here it is!
Hope you all have had a great weekend so far!
Replies sorted oldest to newest
This rural farm scene started as just a way to play with stratch-designed card stock buildings (barn and house are manila folders covered with printed paper) but it turned out so nice, it is one of my favorites.
Is he delivering milk to the farm, or picking it up?
Further out of town, up in the mountains, the brewery has been built were it has immediate access to that pure mountain spring water . . .
Of course, if you look carefully at what this disaffected employee may be doing, you might wonder how pure that water is . . .
WOW!! Lee, those are very nice! I always like your "copy" that goes along with the pictures.
Ben...fantastic pictures! Of course, I like the "EL" the best but all of them are great. You guys have a world class layout for sure!
Steve...it doesn't come any more REAL than that..
Fantastic work, everyone!
Here's a shot one one of my modules set up at the county fair.........my next task is to and earth tones/dirt to the tabs holding up the figures....
Peter....those modules are really coming along. You have done a wonderful job!
I wish I had room for that icing station in the background!
Spence...that is cool!!
I am glad you started this off. It is always nice to see pictures of your layout. Ben, How come there is not a shifter truck in any of your pictures.
Great shots from everyone that has posted this morning.
Here are a few pictures of some storage tanks I am making for one of my customers in California who is modeling an SP engine service facility. I will paint the tanks after he researches what color they were at the real facility.
Alan Graziano
Pat...I can see why that scene is one of your favorites...!! WOW!!! Absolutely gorgeous!
Jim...love the elevated! Your layout is coming along very nicely
Alan, thanks for getting this started this week...I really look forward to this thread! This week's project was an attempt to inject a bit more realism into two Plasticville structures. As you may know, the out-of-the-box "stock" structures are molded in only two colors...gray and some sort of awful-looking orangy-brown.
I painted them in the standard Jersey Central structure colors of cream with dark brown trim, added "glazing" to the window and door openings, and then applied some weathering details.
Well...I got a few emails from members here on the forum encouraging me to take a turn at starting the showcase...so....here it is!
Hope you all have had a great weekend so far!
• Hello Alan • leavingtracks
I am one of those members who always enjoys, seeing your layout.
Well done photography.
Joey....it just goes to show you that even Plasticville can be made to look like a scratch built structure. You did a masterful job!!
Gary...thanks buddy! I enjoy your posts and appreciate your great comments..
During trip to the Kentucky Gateway Museum in Maysville, KY in 2012, I photographed various old buildings in the business district area. Searching the internet, I found a 1916 postcard of one of the buildings (DeNuzie Bookstore) and decided to scratchbuild it using styrene strip and brick sheet. I recently completed the project and have attached some photos. Additional photos can be found on the JC Studios site.
Postcard from 1916
Market Street, Maysville, KY 2012
These are wonderful photos:
Thanks Brian!! You have some great photos of scratch built structures....would love to see more closeups of your station that Alex built!!
LMS...you built a masterpiece! Looks like each floor has interior detail. Any chance that you took photos during the building process....? Sure would make a great magazine submission!
Ok Steve Is it Canadian or Canadien
Awesome photo's everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
Alan nice to see you start the showcase.
Here's a Korber 3 stall round house with the extra add stall. we just finished it up.
LMS lines that's fantastic!!! Please if you can share any construction photos.
Alan G. I almost missed your post above! The tanks are wonderful.... Can't wait to see them painted as I am wondering what color his research will reveal..??
These modules are by River City 3 Railer member Walt S. He is an accomplished HO modular with a large HO railroad in his basement. He joined us early on because he enjoys the social aspects of running trains in various settings with a group. His detail work is incredible.....his trains are fully weathered.....his landscape work is magnificent. I think you'll agree!
Super work form everyone . Best showcase in weeks. Was at Greenberg show in Edison, Good seeing Alex and Ben there!!
John...thanks! Love the pictures you posted!
Peter....give your member Walt directions to my place...!! WOW!!
Alan.....that's a lowly Plasticville cathedral that Walt super-detailed.......it goes to show how nice you can make those structures with a little ingenuity ( and a lot of talent!). Walt is incredible.
I will take some pictures showing the church and churchyard for next weekend. It's amazing!
Is it real, or is it Memorex?
Outstanding detail, LMS. Completely loyal to the prototype.
LMS lines that's fantastic!!! Please if you can share any construction photos.
Zett, Leaving Tracks, and Mill City,
Thank you for the kind comments. I shot photos during the construction process and will likely write an article. Below are sampling of photos showing the construction of the building front using a magnetic glue jig.
This is a gorgeous structure.
that is truly a great building.
fantastic building would love a copy of it.
Great Showcase!
Definitely would like to see a detailed thread on building De Nuzie. That's exactly the kind of building I want for my town.
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