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I bought this Plasticville gas station for $1.00. It had the broken neck/tower problem so many of them get. Some styrene and super glue and it was stronger than new.  Paint and decal set from Microscale Decals and I have a replica of my neighborhood Shell station back in 1965. Unfortunately my 55 Chevy was on the back of that tow truck a couple times.  Yes I know the gas price on the billboard doesn't match the street signs but it is to go else where on the layout.  These pictures are on my work table not the layout.  Azgary100_2408100_2424100_2423100_2422


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IMG_1666Almost finished landscaping the turntable pit. Still need to add a few weed tufts and some taller grasses around the walls, then a final weathering of the walls. Also finished all the detail assembly of the bridge itself. Now to weather it as well then add the power supply line from the utility pole to the arch, that should be interesting...


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Some really nice stuff posted once again this week!  Here's my contribution...

Work continued this week on my 5-car Weaver PS-1 40' boxcar custom painting/detailing/lettering/weathering project.  Cars #2 and #3 (CNJ w/ large "Miss Liberty" herald and DL&W w/ Lackawanna "billboard"-Phoebe Snow scheme) are now finished: primed, painted, lettered (with CDS dry transfers) and lightly weathered.

Both cars received Weaver die-cast 3-rail trucks and some extra interior weight to improve tracking.  However, I decided to "3-rail scale" the Lackawanna car by adding Kadees and lowering the ride height a bit. 

The CNJ car received the more-traditional "lobster claw" couplers instead of Kadees.  The 5th photo below clearly shows the difference in ride height between the two cars.  Again, same trucks on both...


Three cars down...two to go.  They've come along way from where they started!



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Last edited by CNJ #1601


The scenery detail is awesome.

Bar JP7:

I like the tunnel portal a lot.

Two years in the new home and I am still wiring track. Notmuch time for the layout because of the business however I hope to have the track done, turnouts wired, signals wired etc. by mid 2017 so I can start on some scenery.

Prescott Layout 2016 001



Images (1)
  • Prescott Layout 2016 001
Model Structures posted:


The scenery detail is awesome.

Bar JP7:

I like the tunnel portal a lot.

Two years in the new home and I am still wiring track. Notmuch time for the layout because of the business however I hope to have the track done, turnouts wired, signals wired etc. by mid 2017 so I can start on some scenery.

Prescott Layout 2016 001Joe


Joe: Thank you. We try made something own and we use 3D -printer those tunnel portals.


Ben Snyder posted:

IMG_1666Almost finished landscaping the turntable pit. Still need to add a few weed tufts and some taller grasses around the walls, then a final weathering of the walls. Also finished all the detail assembly of the bridge itself. Now to weather it as well then add the power supply line from the utility pole to the arch, that should be interesting...

Ben, Turntable looks fantastic!. Beautiful job on the scenery.

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