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I wasn't holding my breath, heck I was t even thinking about holding it or breathing heavy at all to get ready to. He takes a while to get it to market but he'll pull it off and if he finds it's worth the effort I'm sure he'll put his go to model in S if he finds enough interest there. 

Rusty Traque posted:
jonnyspeed posted:

Fox Models is showing S a little love. Can you imagine if a company like brought out something in S? Would you be surprised to know that while they have no plans for S currently, they had discussed it?

Talk, as they say, is cheap.


Agreed. But at least they are talking about S. MTH isn't even doing that... Send them a note and tell them you'd be interested in S products from them. Never hurts. One thing is for sure, if they don't hear from people they will be far less likely to venture into S.

I talked with FV at Trainfest, I told them I was encouraged about their entry into S.  Some old crotch in the booth next to him was like "we already got track, what good does that do".  Like right in the middle of my conversation with the FV guy.  Not the best way to promote involment in our cause.  But as I reported then, FV told me there were currently no plans to do anything more than track.  


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