Originally Posted by phil from delhi:
did lionel make a rerailer track section in super o
Phil, I have taken a lap around the web and can find no reference to any re-railer (or rerailer) section of Super O track. If anyone on the forum would likely know for certain it would likely be "superotrackdon."
For what it's worth, I have always preferred hand-held re-railers to special track sections. I don't much care for the current Lionel hand-held, but the old General Machine Works (Chicago) worked well, although the Model 5402 was not recommended for locos with Magne-Traction. (I never used mine on locos anyway.
For informational purposes, you might check items 2--4 at the site below, if it works. If one hovers the cursor over the right hand end of the now hard-to-find number 5402, one will find a reference to the 5403 which as I recall was somewhat less sturdy although totally non-magnetic.
I don't have a section of Super-O track to test either the 5402 or 5403.