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anyone when where I can find Scale wheels for Lionel Scale 3 rail steamers? 

I am strictly interested in swapping out the puny little wheels that come stick st the front of the locomotive. I noticed 3rd Rails 3751 has a nice set of well proportioned wheels in the front, but Lionel's look too small and wussy.

Does anyone make custom swappable Scale front trucks, or does LIonel sell them as an add-on part?

inremember there was once a time when wheels like this were included in the box with the engine when you bought her.




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Lionel is the largest offender when it comes to the "Tiny Dancer" pilot wheels, especially on the 2-axle leading trucks; the single-axle are not usually as bad(?). It is particularly noticeable on my 3752 ATSF 4-8-4 (the TMCC version). Looking at the pilot and then the loco makes one think of a 300-lb wrestler in ballet shoes.

Some will say "they have to clear the steam chest/pilot on smaller curves..." Well, so do MTH's, and MTH's 4-wheel pilot wheels are consistently better-proportioned.

MTH and K-Line pilots are usually better-wheeled and some times can be a drop-in fit. (I've dropped in a K-Line Hudson pilot on a Lionel L2 Mohawk; still too small, but better.) The axles can also be tapped out and new wheels pressed on carefully (have done that), when you can find the wheels. If the wheel center openings are too big for the axles, new axles can be made from nails (all kinds of sizes!). Did that too.

All this stuff shows up on eBay from time to time. 

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