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#SwitcherSaturday is back!

Lots of us out there love switchers (shifters, docksiders, yard goats, etc.), so lets keep #SwitcherSaturday (a.k.a. SWSAT) rolling!

Last week I goofed up the original SwitcherSaturday post;  I'm sorry about that and I hope if anyone's pictures were removed they aren't forever lost to the computer gods!


Here is the post which "Survived the Great Switcher Saturday Goof of 2015":



Today at the Murnane house we've got both Lionel and MTH NYC Dockside Steam Switchers on duty.








If you get a chance, please post some pictures or video of your favorite switchers!


Best...Rich Murnane


p.s. Miss the post on Saturday? NO BIG DEAL, just keep posting pictures of your favorites until the next #SwitcherSaturday


p.s.s. Did you all like the video I created last week? :-)




Images (2)
  • Lionel & MTH NYC Steam Dockside Switchers: Lionel & MTH NYC Steam Dockside Switchers
  • Lionel & MTH NYC Steam Dockside Switchers: Lionel & MTH NYC Steam Dockside Switchers
Last edited by Murnane
Original Post

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It's SWSAT time!!!


Some dandy pics this week...


Thanks Rick for starting this thread each Saturday!  (And you did it in the right forum this time... good fer you!!    )




As always, more excellent steam pics! Really like that little funnel stack #803!


Bill T:


I didn't realize the Apache had an FM switcher.  Nice looking paint scheme they had, too.




Thanks for taking the time to create/post your video!  Looks like yer havin' a ton of fun with yer layout!




I've really liked that CNW scheme for some time now.  Tempting to concoct a reason for it to appear on my early 1960s era "KC Lines" theme layout.  I also like the CGW paint scheme they had on their switchers during the early 1960s, and already have a CGW Baldwin DS4-4-1000 in the early scheme awaiting the day there's a functional "KC Lines" layout on which it can operate.




Another cool little steam switcher!


Silver Lake:


You come up with some of the WEIRDIST (a good weird) pics of this thread!




Like the CNJ Alco RSD.  Nice weathering on it, too!




Nice detail on that steam engine!


Here's my contribution to this week's SWSAT...


(Scale: HO)


"A meeting of the minds in the KC&G's 12th St. Yard as Brakeman Jim "Stringbean" Hannon (left) and Conductor A.R. "Irish" O'Leary (right) discuss the next moves to be made (or the last Kansas City Athletics game?) while Engineer Harry "Old Head" Carroll looks on from the walkway of KC&G's NW2 #136."





And for this week's SWSAT Proto-Pic...


A very rare Baldwin S-8 wearing a very attractive black scheme on the old Rock Island route in 1959...





All fer now!!




Images (2)
  • KCnG_NW2_136a
  • RI_802_S8_072659
Last edited by laming
Originally Posted by Number 90:

Laming, your personal record has been awarded ten merits for your photo of the KC&G Nw2, for modeling the KC&G NW2, and for including authentic crew member names. (The Rock Island BLHW S12 was appreciated, too!)


"Garsh... thank'ya... thank'ay... thank'ya vury much."




As you know, Tom, nicknames are a long time tradition in railroading. Among the characters I work around/with on a daily basis, here's just some of the nicknames: 


"Junior": I gave him that shortly after he hired out because he reminded me of the Hee Haw personality Junior Samples on account of his extreme country dialect and looks.


"Big Head": A Mech. Dept guy gave him that label because Big Head thought he was God's gift to railroading. He's no longer employed here.


"Steeltrap": When he was a new hire, almost everything he was being taught sailed over his head. One day after explaining some moves to be made, I saw that thoughtful "huh?" look on his face and made the good-natured sarcastic humor comment "your mind is like steeltrap, isn't it? Catches something and won't let go!"  He's been "Steeltrap" ever since.


"Opie": "Cause he looks like Ron Howard when Ron played "Opie" on the Andy Griffith show!


"Hollywood": I ended up calling this fellow that one on account of his white rimmed safety glasses he wore for a while.


"Troll": Somebody gave him that name because he was from lower Michigan and I understand those from lower Michigan are "Trolls" and those from upper Micchigan are "Eupers". ??


As for my nickname... long time ago it was "Coonskin" because of my admiration for the Frisco RR, the herald of which was derived from a stretched coonskin.  However, now that I'm the oldest in Train Service on the railroad I work, no telling what my nickname is that's floating around that I haven't heard!


Other nicknames of guys I've known/worked with/etc:


"Highball" Hall


"Dingle" (Last name was Christenberry... you can figure out what "Dingle" replaced!)










"Flash" (Sarcasm for sure, he was slow as molasses.)


"Fat Dog" Duncan. His initials is F.D.


"Big Dog" Anderson. A gruff, old head Conductor that pulled his final pin a long time ago and is no longer with us.


"Sarge". 6'5" and 300+ pounds of Hog Head. Had a loud booming voice and worked on the RR forever. Knew his stuff and didn't have much patience for those that didn't!


There's more, but these the ones that quickly come to mind.


Model figures:


I'm gonna' haf'ta get off my tuckus and paint up some more... those three are gettin' a mite tired posing in a lot of my quickie pics.



Last edited by laming
Originally Posted by MNCW:

PRR #5244, recognized to be the last operational Pennsy steam locomotive (left standing alone as of July 1959), under lease to Union Transportation, New Egypt, NJ.




My Sister lives in New Egypt. They are in process of making the old ROW of the Union Transport into a rail trail. The line also had Pennsy's last 44 tonner #9999. It ran up until the end of the line in the 70's. It even made it into PC paint as you can see.






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Last edited by Silver Lake

the "#" is a "number sign" or a "hashtag" or "pound symbol" - which is used in most social media sites.  Here's a good review of what they are and how they are used (and overused, as can be seen in the video):


Essentially it's a decent way to keep track of a topic within big text like we have here on the forum, so the topic can be searched on using tools like Google.  If you searched on "switcher saturday" you might get weird stuff, but if you searched on "#SwitcherSaturday" your results would be very specific to our little group of postings here we do each week.


I fully realize we don't do much "hashtagging" here on the forum, which is why it's been fun to include it in the posts each week, just to add a bit more fun.





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