What a fantastic week, great pictures and tons of interaction (likes, comments, etc.). Thank you all for contributing, this little weekly ritual is really enjoyable for me!
Some comments
- Silver Lake: I'm still enough of a newbie here on the forum (and in Maryland) that I didn't even know about the "Washington and Old Dominion Railroad", much less hear of "Whitcombs", both of which now I'm an expert on after reading the Wikipedia pages (kidding of course). Thanks Silver Lake for posting these. I hope wherever you move to has some space for some nice layouts!
- SIRT and joeyA: You guys are like the Ninjas of weathering, the Gurus, the Yodas, whatever you want to call it, I'm always super impressed with what you do, amazing!
- Laming: Thanks for being our weekly go-to guy for a breath of fresh air! I love your enthusiasm, it's so much fun to wonder what you are going to post or write.
- ChessieMD: Welcome to the #SwitcherSaturday club! I'm glad you posted and the picture is very "AwesomeSauce"!
- Steamer: I really really enjoy the old-time photos, each week I take new pics and try to make them look old, like the ones you post. Thank you very much.
- TrumpTrain: Sorry you had technical difficulty, but love the pictures, and I really love that Canton diesel switcher (and the NattyBoh guy). Are you in Maryland too?
- brwebster: Thank you for posting the B6 pictures. I'm lucky enough to have a LHS (Star Hobby in Annapolis) and he's got a new PRR B6 on the shelf (one of the big ticket $ Legacy locomotives) and I've been wondering how this might look next to my B6 which is circa 1989 or so. I'm pretty sure I'm likely not going to be the guy to buy it though, it'd take me quite a while to squirrel away my lunch money to be able to afford that thing.
- Rusty Traque: Love the picture, I'll need to google for "Olympia Railway" after I post this reply!
- Bill T: You've got some good old-fashion diesel power running the show over there!
- MikeCT: You've got serious diesel going too, and I thought you were a steam guy for some reason? :-)
- taycotrains: What I love about your pictures are not just the good colors of the LV stuff, but the things in the background (more engines, VW buses, a little bit of everything). Great pictures!
- Paul 2: Your picture is going to inspire me to go down to the basement and find gems in my collection which I may have "forgotten" about! Great pic!
- mike.caruso: You asked us to pardon your messy background, but man I'm not the only one here wishing they could build a layout like that in their garage! looks incredible!
- Bary GP7 #63: the picture you posted is really really really a great picture. I've zoomed in on it like 20 times and each time I'm super impressed with the details of everything. I can't say enough how much I enjoy it!
- Joe K: A critter and a switcher in the wild! I love pictures of these guys in the real world, good stuff!
- Alibatwomble: Thank you for contributing from "over the pond"! Your layout looks fantastic, it's great to see real-world sunlight lighting it up, all my trains are "basement" trains (although I'm considering doing a G-Scale outside train at some point).
- pittsburghrailfan: Thanks for posting pics of switchers in the wild! The club layout looks like it's a lot of fun.
If I missed someone in this recap please don't take it personally, I'm still on my first cup of coffee!
See you next week...Rich Murnane