Time to go to work on the Youngstown and Southern RR... The local has arrived and dropped three box cars to be spotted by the yard goat 44-tonner. The Y&S's road switcher will handle the fourth boxcar.
First, set out the crummy, just long enough to tuck it away with the road switcher.
First off, the Milwaukee Box is full of machine-grade steel for Level Hand Tools. They've been waiting for a week. Time to bring in the second shift...
Then the MTY Gulf Mobile box has an appointment with Schulz Gears, to pick up a load bound for a public works project out West.
Past the road switcher and crummy, both dozing in the morning sun, while enjoying watching others work.
Lack of a proper bumper always makes Ben nervous. One of these days the Y&O will crisscross some ties and make it safe. But not today.
Time to shove the P&LE box to the feed company in Boardman. No caboose, no nothing...just sharp eyes and a flag man if necessary. It's only a short hop.
See, we're already there....
Much to the boys' surprise. They expected the car tomorrow and had planned taking the day off and going fishing. Now they will unload sacks of feed instead.
The 44 Tonner's job is done. Time to fire up the road switcher for a short trip to Phoenix Oil. Crummy hooks up and away we go.
Over the wooden trestle that creaks ominously, even with a single load.
Arriving at Phoenix Oil where GIGANTIC waybills await, along with two empty tank cars
Yank the tanks...
Spot the Erie box, filled with household oil tanks, pipe fittings and various, mysterious items that only make sense to someone who works here.
Couple up the empties and head home to the Youngstown yards...
Tuck them in for tomorrow's eastbound, leaving at 8 sharp.
Then home to beans and the Cleveland Indians on the radio.