Have an older BNSF 20-2383-1 Proto 2.0 that works fine , took shell off to look at motors as i was thinking of trying to get a spare set as its the only MTH engine i have and run it quite often and was thinking if these type of motors have tiny carbon brushes they probably are getting used up perhaps similar to the old Lionel brushes ?
noticed the tack tape i think its called at top of motor going around the flywheel has the black and white stripes the white part is getting dirty almost looks like a carbon dust but when i rubbed a small part with a dry q-tip it did not remove it so i left it alone.
Is that normal for that tape to get like this and is there a way to clean it off as i feel it may eventually effect the running of engine i'm not sure.
Do these type of motors actually have carbon brushes im curious even though i would not attempt to try and open them.
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