Engineer-Joe posted:
Joe...if you are talking about the blue clad building, it is made up of a couple of 1970's Kenner Girder and Panel sets. These can be found on a few of the larger auction sites like ebay, etc....
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Engineer-Joe posted:
Joe...if you are talking about the blue clad building, it is made up of a couple of 1970's Kenner Girder and Panel sets. These can be found on a few of the larger auction sites like ebay, etc....
Thanks. Must be in a different light? I remember that story about the building. Unless of course, you have several?
Engineer-Joe posted:Thanks. Must be in a different light? I remember that story about the building. Unless of course, you have several?
The light was coming in from one of the east windows (morning sunrise) so it gives the panels a reflective look. Also, there are several skyscrapers on the layout using different Girder and Panel sets. You likely will be able to see some of them when reviewing the previous posts in this thread....
Alan I see you've got two different types of El structures on your layout. Can you tell us the manufacturers?
coach joe posted:Alan I see you've got two different types of El structures on your layout. Can you tell us the manufacturers?
Sorry Joe...I just saw your question. The El structures are a combo of custom and locally made pieces. The black structure you see in the main downtown area is not available by any manufacturer since it was a custom piece designed by specs I supplied to the CNC cutter. The green El was made by Steeltoys owned by Pat Fusco who died years ago and so the elevated system he developed is no longer available. We do have at least two advertisers/sponsors that produce elevated....TW TrainWorx and Bridgeboss....
OK....I didn't forget...just a little late. It has been quite a stormy day in my part of the country and we have been busy picking up after the storm. Anyway, here is a picture that Bill Bramlage did a couple of years ago where he photo shopped a storm coming over downtown....
Alan tanks for the info on the els. I believe the fact that you have different styles of el, as witnessed by the double decker adds a bit more interest. I believe I remember "Storm Brewing" from an older post of yours.
Skip sometimes the best results are accidental. Your photo is a perfect examle of "never too much Art Deco".
I know today is Tuesday, but it feels like Monday. I hope everyone had a relaxing Memorial Day and none of the tornados touched down in anyone's neck of the woods. Hope to see some tall buildings if anyone is able.
Been a "double day" here at OGR....Monday and Tuesday combined together!! Finally got to TBT..! is a picture of one of the first new skyscrapers for the new layout way back in December of 2008. What you see is where the main downtown area is today. The Ertl taxi cab gives some perspective of the size and height of the building...but what blew my mind when I found this picture today (I had forgotten about it) is how bare everything was!!..LOL!!
Very impressive Alan. Using the cab for perspective really emphasizes the enormity of it. What's it made out of? It looks to be some translucent plastic material. The black towers to the right of the picture are also impressive. The connecting sky bridge is a nice touch. What's the low structure between the sky bridge towers? Is it between or behind?
coach joe posted:Very impressive Alan. Using the cab for perspective really emphasizes the enormity of it. What's it made out of? It looks to be some translucent plastic material. The black towers to the right of the picture are also impressive. The connecting sky bridge is a nice touch. What's the low structure between the sky bridge towers? Is it between or behind?
Thanks Joe! This was made from a architectural building kit called Uberarc. The kits initially came out in the color you see...later the parts were available in a multitude of colors and came translucent as well as solid. You may have to do a Google search about these kits....they were really something else! The low structure was the beginning of my large train station that you see in more recent pictures located next to the train shed structure.
JDFonz posted:
Love it!! You will have to post here how you built it...looks like you have the skyscraper bug!...LOL!
What the one checked in yesterday (yep, OK...not even me ) was a busy day! In any case, let me continue with some very early pictures of the first tall buildings that I was building for the layout way back in 2008....
Nice building Alan. Yes, yesterday was busy, but this whole week has been in one form or another. Today is actually the good busy we all like here.
In any case, its good to see Tall Building Tuesday even if it is slightly behind schedule. However, what do I know, it could be Tuesday on your layout, right?
Alan not bad for a first attempt at skyscrapers.
Alan, occasionally I have flashes of imagination like yours where an ordinary object is transformed in my mind into something useful for a layout. It seems as though your imagination is working constantly and then you bring it to fruition.
Alan, when I first started reading that, I thought you said Rold Gold, lol. Very fine building you have there.
"Blows steam whistle!!!!!" Today must be a busy Tuesday since no tall buildings have showed up. I know its busy here with one coworker heading to Italy with his two daughters for two weeks. Where are them that there tall buildings hiding? Anyone, anyone????
Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4 posted:"Blows steam whistle!!!!!" Today must be a busy Tuesday since no tall buildings have showed up. I know its busy here with one coworker heading to Italy with his two daughters for two weeks. Where are them that there tall buildings hiding? Anyone, anyone????
I don't know what happened to our friend Skip...he has been missing for a while now on this thread!! Anyway, how about a couple of pictures of a skyscraper under construction:
Alan, is that building going to stay under construction?
Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4 posted:Alan, is that building going to stay under construction?
Dave...that building has been under construction for around 6 or 7 years now...LOL!!
OGR CEO-PUBLISHER posted:Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4 posted:Alan, is that building going to stay under construction?
Dave...that building has been under construction for around 6 or 7 years now...LOL!!
Ah, that's nothing. My uncle had his Plasticville house(I believe it is) that was under construction up for over 20 years at the most. It got packed up and was out for another 10 years. Sadly though after that his collection has been in storage. He did drag out his old ZW to get it overhauled and the cord replaced(mice, and not the computer kind). He and I chat maybe once or twice a year and he always remarks on how different things are and expensive. I tell him its all the electronics in the engines that is probably the biggest cost.
Time for Tall Buildings Tuesday!! Sure wish more of you would post here. You don't have to have super tall skyscrapers to post....any tall structure on your layout is fine! It could be a factory with tall smokestacks or a refinery...or a grain elevator complex...or...???
Here are a few shots taken this morning:
OGR CEO-PUBLISHER posted:Time for Tall Buildings Tuesday!! Sure wish more of you would post here. You don't have to have super tall skyscrapers to post....any tall structure on your layout is fine! It could be a factory with tall smokestacks or a refinery...or a grain elevator complex...or...???
Well... if I ever get started on my city scenery trying to emulate yours, I'll share!
For now, I'd rather look at yours and Skips
Nice as usual Alan. I would say that the buildings on the Xmas tree layout are far too short being Department 56 buildings. Santa is even as tall as some of them, of course though as Ralphie says in A Christmas Story, "The big man himself". Maybe I could pop one or two pics(when I get home). I'll have to measure, l.
P.S., where's Skip?
Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4 posted:Nice as usual Alan. I would say that the buildings on the Xmas tree layout are far too short being Department 56 buildings. Santa is even as tall as some of them, of course though as Ralphie says in A Christmas Story, "The big man himself". Maybe I could pop one or two pics(when I get home). I'll have to measure, l.
P.S., where's Skip?
I don't know what happened to Skip...perhaps he got off the elevator on the 100th floor... Perhaps you can contact him and ask for some new pics!!
Perhaps Skip is working on a new building, or doing research, I don't know. It would be great to see him pop in. @NYC Fan, whatcha been up to?
There Alan, if that doesn't get him, will have to see if he got lost in Harmon Yards behind the L2a Mohawk. Perhaps he was loading up some coal for the long haul.
I am having fun just looking at some of the images you guys put up. Since currently my layout is on hold and scheduled to have a different track plan. Though I am not sure if I will be able to have many buildings in it's current iteration.
Here are the tall buildings in the city of Christopolis, served by the Great Northeastern Railway. We are not in the same league as many of you with fabulous city scenes. However, here is our small contribution to this great thread!
Superman flies by the Chrysler Building as he protects the citizens of Christopolis.
The Empire state Building and the Crysler Building ar visible in the background of this photo from the wharf area.
As three trains leave Christopolis Union Station, some of the skyline is visible in the background.
The Empire State Building.
The Empire State Building as seem from the street.
I'm a little short on tall buildings 😏
But I might be able to scrape a couple up 😁
I might build a few soon, but they aren't high priority 😂
Or nearly as lofty in ambition 🤣
No basement bargin here
The price; skyhigh
My judgement must have been clouded
Ok. Ok..I'm done monkey-ing around 🤗
A centerpiece for topping an 0-27 micro-circle 🙃
I've delayed climbing into it; waiting for inspiration 😘
I really am; no big tale on Kong
Yes Alan, an Uberarc kit that I bought maybe 10 years ago. I remember buying it at a toy show in Chicago. I really want to build another like the teal one you have but I don’t think they are in business anymore.
JDFonz posted:Yes Alan, an Uberarc kit that I bought maybe 10 years ago. I remember buying it at a toy show in Chicago. I really want to build another like the teal one you have but I don’t think they are in business anymore.
Can you tell me what the dimensions are of the model please? The foot print as well as the height?
The Uberarc kits are available via auction sites but I think you are correct, the company does not seem to be in business any longer. The last update to their website was way back in 2010. Thanks!
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