I would like to join the TCA but I need 2 sponcers. I was not aware of that when I was on the site to join. Can anyone help me out with this ?
I would like to join the TCA but I need 2 sponcers. I was not aware of that when I was on the site to join. Can anyone help me out with this ?
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Just a thought here........

Are you planning to attend the Allentown Train Meet Associates "First Frost" train show in Allentown this coming weekend ( 12 13 Nov ) ?
If you are you can stop by the OGR booth and get your needed signatures.
If you can make it early Saturday morning, a group of us meets at a local diner a block away from the train show at about 6:30AM for breakfast and good conversation. You would be most welcome to join us and getting two signatures there would be no problem.
Yes it means getting up early....but hey I drive in from central NJ and some guys come from Staten Island NY so it can be done


The Train Collectors Association was founded in Yardley, Pennsylvania in 1954, with a mission of developing an appreciation of and to preserve tinplate toy trains.
Mike Maurice
"TCA Mission: to develop an appreciation of and to preserve an important segment of history – tinplate toy trains – through research, education, community outreach, fellowship, establishment of collecting standards, and to promote the growth and enjoyment of collecting and operating toy, model and scale trains."
Ron M
You can probably get two signatures at your local train stores there in Scranton,
either Grzyboski's or Scranton Hobby. They'd be more than happy to help you I'm sure.
Thanks for the invite to Allentown, that is only an hour away. Unfortunatly I am going on a campout with our Boy Scout troop this weekend. I never thought about Grzyboski's or Scranton Hobby. I was just at Grzyboski's Friday buying some track to complete my two sons O gauge layout they are building. I will try them and go from there.
If you have a printer, I can scan a membership application to you (I'd need your e-mail address); after you complete it, snail mail it back to me along with a $35 check (made out to TCA) to cover the application fee & first year's membership. A fellow TCA member & I will endorse it & send it on to TCA's office in Strasburg, PA. Hope this'll help.
Cordially, Dick Kuehnemund / TCA #85-21976 / E-mail: dkuehnem@stny.rr.com
quote:Originally posted by GlennRJr:
Hello All,
I would like to join the TCA but I need 2 sponcers. I was not aware of that when I was on the site to join. Can anyone help me out with this ?
The TCA's membership has been in a steady decline for years as the "old breed" is dying off and it's not attracting younger members. A big part of that is making it such a hassle to join. Other than becoming a Freemason, I don't know of any other organization that is this difficult to get into. I'm a member of several air museums, a couple of national car clubs, and (of course) the NRA, and nobody's ever had to vouch for my character and sign release forms - it's ridiculous. I was eighteen, joined the (then) Confederate Air Force simply by paying my dues, and that same summer I was working on WWII warbirds and getting stick time in T-6 and SNJ's. Those are a LITTLE more valuable than our old tinplate trains.
Being in the deep south, there are NO train meets here. There are darn few TCA members down here, so finding two guys who're in the TCA to vouch for you is NOT an easy task - that's why I didn't join for so many years. I imagine it's much the same if you live in Nebraska, or Utah, or Montana, or anyplace else that's not on the east coast or in the northeast. I fear if the TCA doesn't adapt their rules and regulations for this modern society that lives on Smartphones and is accustomed to instant gratification, we are looking at the last generation of this great organization. Just my two cents, for what they're worth... take care!

quote:This may ruffle the feathers of some old-time TCA members (I've been in the TCA since 2002), but I think the TCA is in decline largely because of their antiquated system of membership.
There is an upcoming TCA membership vote on whether to keep or repeal the two signature rule.

If you have a printer, I can scan a membership application to you (I'd need your e-mail address); after you complete it, snail mail it back to me along with a $35 check (made out to TCA) to cover the application fee & first year's membership. A fellow TCA member & I will endorse it & send it on to TCA's office in Strasburg, PA. Hope this'll help.
Cordially, Dick Kuehnemund / TCA #85-21976 / E-mail: dkuehnem@stny.rr.com
The TCA's membership has been in a steady decline for years as the "old breed" is dying off and it's not attracting younger members. A big part of that is making it such a hassle to join. Other than becoming a Freemason, I don't know of any other organization that is this difficult to get into. I'm a member of several air museums, a couple of national car clubs, and (of course) the NRA, and nobody's ever had to vouch for my character and sign release forms - it's ridiculous. I was eighteen, joined the (then) Confederate Air Force simply by paying my dues, and that same summer I was working on WWII warbirds and getting stick time in T-6 and SNJ's. Those are a LITTLE more valuable than our old tinplate trains.
Being in the deep south, there are NO train meets here. There are darn few TCA members down here, so finding two guys who're in the TCA to vouch for you is NOT an easy task - that's why I didn't join for so many years. I imagine it's much the same if you live in Nebraska, or Utah, or Montana, or anyplace else that's not on the east coast or in the northeast. I fear if the TCA doesn't adapt their rules and regulations for this modern society that lives on Smartphones and is accustomed to instant gratification, we are looking at the last generation of this great organization. Just my two cents, for what they're worth... take care!

I could not agree with you more. I am also a pilot, belonging to AOPA, and I never experienced these kind of rules and regulations from any organization. I don't think the TCA top brass has a clue what's going on. The TCA website looks like something out of the Third Reich. I once considered going to York until I saw the website and realized there was no way I needed this hassle.
When my son and I joined the AMA no sponsorship was needed. On the other hand, when we went to join the local model airplane club so we would have a place to fly and someone to teach my son how to fly, our membership application was voted on by the entire membership.
The TCA currently has a membership vote pertaining to the two signature rule underway. Perhaps it will be repealed, we will see.
Meanwhile, I think anybody who is put off by the two signature rule is missing out on belonging to a good organization and attending the greatest train show for "O" gauge model railroaders and collectors in the world. People come from all over to attend.
I have no problem with the 2 signatures-but if so many people are ready to sign off on potential members they know nothing of exactly what is the point here? At least with the local AMA Sponsored flying club the members know who they are voting for. That makes some sense.
Folks, the signatures thing has some reasonable points attached to it.
1) New members are known to at least 2 others and can be welcomed into the group
2) It reduces the potential for random individuals that could wreak havoc by just showing up as an unknown
3) Shows that the applicant is willing to do a little investigation into joining, and is really interested in becoming a member.
4) The signatures are a point of reference for communication with and verification of the applicant.
The real deal is where you place the value. If you just want to join for commercial reasons or to have access to the membership, that is one thing.... if you want to get something out of it (oh, like lifetime friends!) or a place to learn about trains that is another. Just adding bodies for the sake of revenue is shortsighted. If you disturb the "fellowship" aspect too much, there will no longer be an association to be involved in.
If you want to join the CAF, or AMA, or any other group....please do, I am sure they would welcome the business. Just stop the complaining about the TCA. If you have been around train people enough you'll realize that there are all types of people involved, and plenty that want to take advantage of others... The rules in place help stop that (and other stuff) and are in place for that reason, or another that you may not have had exposure to...
Oh, and the complainer that relates the York show to the website (and compares it unfavorably to an unrelated group), make sure you understand that the Eastern Division of the TCA hosts the show, not TCA national.
Well said Rob!
I have been a member of the TCA for 10 years and I would have joined sooner but I did have difficulty obtaining that second signature. In fact the individual who provided that second signature originally declined to do so because he felt he didn't know me well enough. Later, as time passed and we became better acquainted he offered to sign for me. It was obvious that he was proud of the TCA and his membership in it. His primary concern was to to do what he could to maintain the high standards of membership that the organization required. I was disappointed at first but after giving the issue some thought I realized that he did the right thing. I think it is obvious then how I feel about signing for people we know absolutely nothing about.
Today, I feel that my membership in the TCA means something and that it is in fact a privilege. It means I can feel comfortable making financial transactions with other members I don't know because I feel a sense of trust in them: it means My personal check is accepted by other members who have never met me before because they have a sense of trust in me and it means I can have a sense of pride in this outstanding organization. It has become quite obvious to me that in our society today high standards mean very little and that I feel is a shame. If the repeal of the two signature rule passes then so be it but I can say with a good conscience that I voted against the repeal of the two signature requirement and am quite comfortable with my decision. Quite honestly I would prefer an organization that desires high standards rather than a burgeoning diluted membership. I can say that because I believe that toy train collecting and operating will continue regardless of how large or small the TCA becomes. I remember all to well that during the 1960s everyone and I mean just about everyone said that toy trains were obsolete and a thing of the past. The TCA had a tiny membership base at that time and lo and behold the train hobby did not die. So for those who stoop to name calling and insist that doomsday is upon us if the two signature rule stands I say lighten up 'cause it ain't the end of the world.
Well said Rob!
I agree!!
For what it's worth, I'm with you, OKHIKER.
I am interested in joining the TCA and the two-signature rule has made it more difficult to do so. GOOD! For all the reasons stated above! GOOD! I know one TCA member and I believe she offered to vouch for me. Hopefully, I will meet another soon that will eventually sign my form. Not only do I have no problem with this, I welcome it.
I agree with whatever is said. I am also trying to get 2 members and the more I am spending effort to have it, the more I m getting interested to join andalready feel the ownership and feeling I willget once I am able to join. I am in for 2 signatures and will vote for it and I am not old and belong to the young crowd
I still think it's antiquated.
Well the deadline for returning your ballot was 1 April. So the verdict should be known before York. I will know before anyone else and I will post the results on this forum.
Paul Edgar
Well the deadline for returning your ballot was 1 April. So the verdict should be known before York. I will know before anyone else and I will post the results on this forum.
Paul Edgar
I voted.
If anyone can suggest sponsors in Northern NJ, please advise as I would like to become a member, well before I head out for the October York Event. I even got my wife to schedule her vacation time also to come with me.
Why is this on the Tinplate forum anyway?
Why is this on the Tinplate forum anyway?
A fair question. Since it has "evolved" into what it is, I'll move it to the York Meet forum--still not 100% appropriate, but closer to the topic than the tinplate forum.
As a TCA member, I agree with Okhiker and Allan on the two signature rule as there are pragmatic reasons for it , mostly to avoid the issues mentioned by both, rather than the often cited changing the rules to avoid a decline in membership. I recognize the pragmatic aspect of this proposed change, but I suspect, this may create more issues than a single bullet resolution that saves the day. That this is the answer is doubtful and unproven, a theory. One way to approach this is placing oneself in the role of administering a comparative free for all in terms of the potential for complaints regarding the TCA being the agent or marketplace for buying and selling items. This eats up scarce time and energy to settle them. More activism from members is the real answer.
A good point, Nick. When I applied, I simply walked up to 2 guys at a train show and started conersations for the express purpose of getting the signnatures. (I did know one of them somewhat).
Life's too short to agonize over details like this, eh?
I sure hope they keep the 2 signature rule. 4 signatures would even be better.
I hope that all the TCA members with an opinion on the subject voted.
I did.
If you want to join I always have blank applications at the Thursday's at TGI Friday's OGR Forum event at York. There are lots of people willing to sign for you there. If you are coming earlier than that e-mail me and I can arrange to meet you and get you in.
Scott Smith
Maybe circumvent was too strong a word. I just meant it in the sense that, one need not feel helpless if they can't get the signatures in person locally. These days with the internet, it's rather easy to acquire two signatures via fax by simply asking nicely. Or doing something like Scott does.
I hope that all the TCA members with an opinion on the subject voted.
I did.
I did, too.
Speaking of which, I wonder when we will know the outcome of the vote?
I voted to get rid of this rule. The origional group of train collectors was a small group...sort of an exclusive club. To be "voted-in" by 2 members was probably equal to 10% of the membership in the early days. However, my main reason for voting as I did was to take away a reason not to join. These debates give me a headache.
On the other hand, I encourage the Eastern Division to keep all York rules AS IS.
..... I never experienced these kind of rules and regulations from any organization. I don't think the TCA top brass has a clue what's going on. ...
Whichever way the vole goes, the fact that this subject was brought up for a vote of the membership should at least satisfy those who take every opportunity to bash the TCA leadership on this topic. The final decision will be the membership's choioce, not the leadership's. Now the complainers will have to find something else to be unhappy about.