Instead of trying to write a post in source code, learn about all the built-in tools and features you have available to you that already do what you want to do.
Your reply to my question is the perfect example of the inefficiency of the current system that I am suggesting to look at. Since your reply to my post was located inside a quote, no matter how many times I click Reply with Quote, I am unable to quote you directly. The above quote box is all the text that is carried over into the quote. In order to respond to your specific points, instead of clicking on a quick link from here:
I now need to hunt through here: order to create a quote to directly address your reply, and then repeat the steps to end the quote.
Instead of having to scroll repeatedly up and down the webpage to quote a single post, I can quote the whole post and break it down.
I have no idea what you are talking about here with all this other menu and sub-menu stuff.
You already have this feature!
CLICK ONE: Click on "Reply with Quote" for the first poster you want to reply to.
Write your reply.
CLICK TWO: Click on "Reply with Quote" for the next poster you want to reply to.
Write your reply.
Rinse and repeat, like this:
That feature is nice if all of the posts are on the same page. If you want to reply to posts on page 1 and page 3, it can't be done. When moving to the next page for a post you want to reply to, the quotes from the previous page are left out. Instead of being efficient and collecting quotes into one post, other posts have to be created which bloats the thread.