We've all experienced frustration and issues with many of the models and accessories we have purchased. Sometimes when we contact the supplier looking to get help and answers, we feel there is a lack of concern and interest in wanting to help. Adding to this, is the fact that it's difficult to talk to someone on the phone - not only in our industry but across all industries. Don't we all hate talking to a computer generated "customer service agent"
How about some good news today, no I really mean GREAT news. I had a Lionel Legacy CAB2 remote with a non-responsive key pad. I shipped it back to Lionel and was told it would take 4 to 6 weeks to repair.
Lionel received it on April 27, they even sent me an email stating they "got it".
Yesterday May 4th, the repaired remote arrived back home, not only fixed but upgraded to the latest version. That's 8 DAYS. WOW. I wasn't expecting it for another 4 weeks.