I will keep this brief which is hard to do for a lawyer.
Firstly, I would like to thank the good folks at OGR for this forum, and with the many new forum sponsors, thanks to Alan Arnold, it appears the forum is in good shape to continue long into the future.
I am also thankful for the many friends I have made on this forum over the years and then gotten to meet in person. I would like to mention each of you by name, but quite honestly, there are so many of you that I have had the privilege to meet, I know I will leave someone out and I do not want to offend anyone. So I would just like to state that I am thankful for all of my train friends. I have learned a lot from many of you through the years. I consider "black Friday" my anniversary date in the hobby since that is the day in 2001 that My uncle Vic gave me back the Lionel trains he had as a kid and that I got to use in the 1970s.
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.
Erol Gurcan