York, for me, is basically 5 days away.......since on Wednesday, we're (River CIty 3 Railers) setting up our modular layouts in the Purple Hall.
We have been working since late January on an additional 4 ft module for our 6x11. I am happy to report that it is completed and will be operational in York.....it is now 6x15.....
This layout is loosely designed like a Lionel PostWar department store layout with tubular track and Plasticville-type scenery. This new addition features something that I think will make anyone from any era, from PreWar, from PostWar, from MPC , or the Modern Era smile.
5 more days......5-4-3-2-1!
Here is a picture of the module under construction.......
In addition, we were fortunate to get Super O set 2503 as a donation this past year.... a BOXED & COMPLETE Super O set from 1958......this set will be running on our layouts from 4:30-5:00 on Thursday afternoon (we will likely announce a second running time for Friday later in the week).
Safe travels to all.