I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned on the forum yet, unless it already has and I missed it, but what is people's opinion on the new - The Commuter - movie? My opinion, it's not a bad movie. It's a thriller and fast paced movie. But the issue I have besides how Hollywood did the train crash scene, I am confused on one thing. With the accidents that have happened with trains over the years, why make a accident of a train in the way they did it in this movie? What I mean, even though it may be a Hollywood train derailment, in certain parts, that scene does look real. Probably will be some trauma experiences for some people. I mean, example of like the Super 8 movie, now that train crash in my opinion, was way over drawn for how long that accident happened. But with The Commuter, I find it to real to watch. Other then this scene, the rest of the movie wasn't all that bad, but nearing towards the end, I find it to real to life. The one scene though that I thought did not look real was when Liam Neeson jumps from one car to the other right after they uncoupled. But, I was just curious what others people's opinions of this movie was like, considering it does have a train in it.
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