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My son Brian who actively buys & sells model trains is learning the art of a thorough restoration done the right way!!….bolt by bolt!…Brian started with a pair of 2343 postwar F3’s that had great chassis, but horrible shells, ….I donated a super nice pair of 2379’s D&RGW’s from the Lionel postwar celebration series, and Brian got to work. He dismantled everything to the last screw, all painted parts got glass beaded, and treated with urethane satin black from a spray gun. First up for reassembly, the dummy unit, ….every screw, cleaned, every black metal part re-blackened using Caswell’s black oxide refinishing solution. ……and btw, these will be for sale when Brian’s finished, complete with a Railsounds package and some other custom touches,…cause y’all know we just can’t leave things stock!!….

Pat 14F00D24-FF42-4751-997E-0C10D90A1CEF383A8CCF-5071-424A-81AB-E3953FEC2838F2492E2F-E2B2-47FF-B038-81E51642AA73826ABEB1-5639-4F62-8311-227717A835D558242F8C-1D17-4027-85EC-96611B49F796FC4F548A-6BA4-4428-8404-28A23F9E4332EDFCB82F-DA47-4DE6-BAE4-A4BB4F286B1DF70F7A73-AA9E-450E-AB94-596C1001A575DECB6D57-5A73-462D-BFFC-5BB14B23291F91851129-C377-482A-96A1-BCD735C4D52FD7196197-6EE9-49F3-B804-0E5641AEE312


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Thank fellas, ….he’s learning the art, …..back in the 70’s-80’s when my dad had his hobby shoos up & down the east coast, this old postwar stuff was it!!….this was all day, every day,…..there’d be a pile of postwar gems to pick up, take back to my shop, clean, repair, or restore…..My dad has long since retired, and Brian now does postwar, buy, sell, trade,… supplements his income while we’re closed for the long holiday ……here’s his final product, ……he learned how to use the machines, and tools at our disposal, to clean, glass bead, repaint, polish, & fabricate the parts needed for a nice job,……

Pat 70D1E3BD-1A81-452F-84AD-A1C694C4563B31F81B35-0B12-44FD-9A97-5C066B8C1B76FF87235D-925F-4E1F-9C0A-C9B84F650210


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