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 At birth, we boarded the train and met our parents, and we believe they will always travel by our side. However, at some station our parents will get off the train, leaving us on this journey alone.


As time goes by, other people will board the train... 
our siblings, friends, children, grandchildren, and even the love of our life.


Many will get off at their station and leave a permanent vacuum. Others will go so silently and unnoticed that we don't even realize they vacated their seats. This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, goodbyes, and farewells.


Success consists of having a good relationship with all other passengers- requiring that we give the best of ourselves.


The mystery is, we do not know at which station we ourselves will get off. So, we must live the best we can… love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are, especially to those in need. It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to get off and leave our seat, we should leave it better than we found it, and full of beautiful memories for those who will continue their journey on the train of life.


I wish you a joyful ride on the train of life. Reap success, share success, and contribute to the experience. Most importantly, thank God for the ticket.


I thank you for being one of the passengers on my train.  Each of you are awesome passengers!

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A friend of my wife's sent her a scrolling email, the back ground music was what they played at the end of the movie "Forest Gump". I thought that was as good as I've ever seen.

If a person takes the time out of their busy day, that one really hits home!


Sometimes all takes, is the right music, to go along with what you are reading, or watching.

Last edited by Brandy

To quote Tom Hanks, it doesn't matter where you are going, you just have to decide to get on. Our parents thank goodness did decide to put us on this train and gave us the opportunity to meet so many great Forum members who are also passengers on our train. Nice thought for a Friday.

Yes Sir Train Collector, you are so,so, right on that thought! I have met many nice folks on this forum, and would someday like to meet them in person.

One thing for sure we would have something in common to talk about!


Especially old "Hot Water", as he seems like he'd be a Good Un!


Been fightin this diabetis, and it ain't gettin any better, and I can't travel like I use to. Some of the our club members have talked about going to York, but I think that trip would be out of the question for me now.

I use to make it twice a year back in the middle 90's with some of my old retired C&O Engineer Buddies.

We enjoyed meeting and talking with all of those folks up there.


Some of these guys have got off the "Train Ride of Life" as well, and I really miss them, as well as their "Steam Engine Stories" of back in their young "hey day's" working the manifest freights, and passenger trains of the C&O..............Brandy





Last edited by Brandy

Just one thing I've noticed over the years on this analogy:

You can talk to your fellow passengers about your missed connections or how bumpy the ride has been for you every now and then, but if that's all you ever talk about, you'll find yourself along in that car or at the least, everyone tired of hearing it as generally, we're all going that same direction anyway.

You can apply this in many ways, but the three that have always stuck out for me are:

  • Parents and their issues with their kids (especially mothers)
  • People who just seem to 'have things go wrong' for them or have problems with substances they just can't seem to shake being hooked on
  • Older folks who can't have any discussion without dominating it with aches and pain discussions...

After a while, your fellow passengers will want to be sitting as far as they can from you.

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