There were not enough PW centenary electrics to satisfy the juice itch. It's following is no huge surprise. (When Gramps was questioned why some didn't have pantographs, I was told the two air tanks were swapped for tanks of propane for a generator. Hard to say if "that one" was sprinkled with truth, or if he just wanted me to understand the concept; he liked oddballs and experimentals too I'd also credit the odd looks to the appeal. It is the VW Bug of Lionels; loved or hated, not much in between, with slightly underestimated abilities.
A 520 is "the one that got away". I was in elementry school, 4th or 5th grade, saved my odd job and added in my birthday money (first time) and had been eyeballing engines, but was still shy of enough for a 6 driver loco (Ive never been found of later 4 driver "medium sized" steam proportions, switchers and "Old Timers" I like). Some time later while looking through supply drawers under the shelves, I found what I knew from Gramps house, was a Lionel shipper. I had always loved his boxcabs (a pure red & an "orange" variation) and now held one in my hands with a $20 price on it. A manager saw it as the clerk was ringing it up and said "that's not the right price", I need to call and check that you can pick it up tomorrow. I didn't argue the price laws, $20 was too cheap, and figured I'd get it in the morning at one price or another. I was also waiting for my neighbor that worked there, my pals mom, to take us home.
The next day the manager acted like it never happened. He " had no clue what your talking about". And fearing for my neighbors job, didn't kick up too much fuss. (but once she quit, I'd cough out "liar" whenever I saw him pass by. Funny, who else but a liar would take that from a kid repeatedly )
100 to 1 says he took it home himself for $20
Call it passive agressive, or maybe just plain stupid, but I find now I "can't" buy one till I find a deal to sort of equal it, or I'll feel he still kinda "won" with dishonesty