Title says it all, I'm thinking seriously about getting into Legacy. I had a TMCC engine a long time ago bit it no longer runs and I don't have TMCC anymore. I'm a hardcore DCS guy and have DCS and about 9 or 10 DCS PS2 and PS3 locomotives.
I'm interested in buying the Legacy command set as well as one Legacy engine either a small diesel or a small steamer if I can find one for a good price. My LHS has a GP9...anyone have recommendations?
I've heard many horror stories about issues resulted from running DCS and Legacy together on the same track which is something I would do, run the Legacy engine on the same track as a PS2 or PS3 engine. Should I be concerned? I've seen a lot of layouts where Legacy and DCS coexist peacefully as well.
Another thing, I have a small 4x8 layout and I like to run two trains on the main loop, how hard is it to match the Legacy speed steps with DCS's SMPH. I realize it won't be exact and that Legacy doesn't display SMPH but is it hard to generally match speeds without much throttle jockeying?
Any other tips/recommendations? I really have about 10 minutes of Legacy operating experience and not much old school TMCC experience as well.