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Corey (CaptJ) found Thor's files through his Facebook group... All Gauge.  Does anyone know if Dale had a Facebook presence... i.e., followers, page, group?   I have never been on Facebook... so, I'm not the guy for that.

Also, I just emailed Dale... it hasn't bounced ...yet.  We will see if someone is checking it.

Update:  I got it... and, it's working locally on my machine.

John, I'll set up my ftp server in the next few days and you can grab it, so there is a backup.

Last edited by Dennis-LaRock
@cjwallgren posted:

I own my own datacenter and would be happy to mirror the content of thortrains free of charge indefinitely.

CJ... that is probably a really good idea!  Who knows when I will get hit by a truck?  I'm still dealing with this darned Ice Storm (New Orleans Edition)... shoot me an email in a few days to remind me and we will discuss.

Thank You


CJ... that is probably a really good idea!  Who knows when I will get hit by a truck?  I'm still dealing with this darned Ice Storm (New Orleans Edition)... shoot me an email in a few days to remind me and we will discuss.

You think you have cold weather?  We have piles of snow all around over eight feet high, half our visitor's parking is huge snow banks, and my driveway if also flanked with huge piles of snow.  The white crap just keeps coming this year!   Last winter we didn't have any measurable snow, where's Al Gore when you really need some Global Warming!

Last winter we didn't have any measurable snow, where's Al Gore when you really need some Global Warming!

Didn't the Polar Ice Caps go bye-bye in 2013... Oh!  WHAT!  They are still there!

I know the snow you are talking about... grew up in Vermont not an issue at all for me.  But, the folks down here have a time of it... I've been running around to the neighbors capping off their busted pipes.  I had two go where the pipes are outdoors... they didn't burst ...but, like an idiot I used sharkbites and they separated.  I'll be sweating in the new fittings tomorrow or Sunday.

Try this...

Still have to comb through the html for .net and change it to .us

Let the folks on... ...know that



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I am quite sure his wife, Audrey, will be thrilled that you kept his legacy going. Having personally known Tom over the years, he really knew his stuff, hated command cintrol and loved conventional operated trains. He would run his Williams GG1 on the club layout at a million MPH! A real character.

For some reason, he did not drive so he took the bus every Tuesday night to the club and I offered every Tuesday night to drive him home. We had some nice chats on the way home! Like I said, Thor was a really great person to know!!

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