Started working on my early postwar layout that will have a mix of diecast and tinplate as I am wanting PRR motive power, so 2332 GG1, a turbine and a 675. This GG1 set came from the original owner, not a Lionel boxed set, but one that a hobby shop put together for the original owner back in the late 40's. Consisting of a 2332 GG1, the small brown tinplate passenger cars, RW transfomer and a slug of O gauge track. The track is super clean and the trains had their original boxes. I added Johnsons rubber roadbed as the noise of tinplate combined with autism and its sensory issues, can be a problem. I do need to find 7 more 031 sections of the rubber roadbed still. The layout will be set just before Christmas in the late 1940's on the PRR. Mike
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