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Merry Christmas Daniel! ( and everybody else too! )

I have been stunningly absent in this thread lately , simply due to the slowing down of new acquisitions lately

This thread has and always will be the lifeblood heartbeat of OGR for me ... I am determined as ever that it will survive its senseless banishment to the boondocks of the Photo Albums area ( yes I can hold a grudge LOLOLOL!!! )

I have scored a couple of pre-christmas goodies for the Fatman Stocking tho

Couple of early Hornby ( UK ) wagons

And a little bit of Aussie history , in really poor shape , but us Aussie kids are notoriously hard on our toys , it comes from wrestling them out of the jaws of passing crocodiles, beating down passing kangaroos who thieve them and put then into their pouches , and braving brown snakes in the back yard and hordes of Redback Spiders in the sheds  simply to play with them

Its an accomplishment for a kid to simply survive to puberty in itself .. that his toys survive is purely a bonus ...

Here is a Boomeroo tinplate tram , made here in Australia and very collectible ... good examples fetching hundreds of dollars , which is kind of odd as they are very simple unpowered tinplate shells , with not outstanding lithography ... but I think perhaps its more nostalgia driven market than playability ...

Joyeux Noel !

Frohe Weinhacten !

Vrolijk Keersfest !

Shchaslyvoho Rizdva !

Bon Natali!

Merry Festivus!

Felice Navidad!

and a Ho -effing-Ho to all !

@Fatman posted:

Merry Christmas Daniel! ( and everybody else too! )

us Aussie kids are notoriously hard on our toys , it comes from wrestling them out of the jaws of passing crocodiles, beating down passing kangaroos who thieve them and put then into their pouches , and braving brown snakes in the back yard and hordes of Redback Spiders in the sheds  simply to play with them

Its an accomplishment for a kid to simply survive to puberty in itself .. that his toys survive is purely a bonus ...

What no Dingos to fight off? 

Merry Christmas to you "Fatman" from another O Gauge Tinplater in the "land down under"

Merry Christmas to all my other friends who post regularly on this section of the guys are the greatest.

Here is a recent photo of one of my Buco tinplate trains stopped at a Swiss station, waiting for the signal to move out and continue on its journey through the Swiss Alps!!!! Kangaroos, dingoes, brown snakes, and red-backed spiders won't stop these little beauties!!!!!!


And another shot of the "holding yard" for some of the other passenger trains waiting to go into service!! That's my own little Buco "creation" behind the Williams "Rock Island" diesels......a motorized Buco "railcar".....something they never made, but should have.


Merry Christmas to one and all also from Peter in the land down-under......Buco Australia


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  • DSC03043
  • DSC03046

Well Buco that is a wonderful display of trains, Fatman a great tram certainly one not seen very often in the US.  So Merry Christmas to both you fellows, as its Christmas Day there and only Christmas eve here!  Rich, pd, NJCJOE great pictures thanks for posting.  So here are some of my tinplate trains to add to the fun.

A Marx Joy Line passenger express from about 1935.

Joy Line Train full consist front view

A night express from French Hornby

French Hornby Express - Night 2

A Lionel #253 and matching cars from the 1924-1932

Lionel 253 train from front

The mighty Lionel #256 and her matching train1924-1930

lionel 256 and cars

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all

Best wishes



Images (4)
  • Joy Line Train full consist front view
  • French Hornby Express - Night 2
  • Lionel 253 train from front
  • lionel 256 and cars

As luck would have it a little "something something" showed up on Boxing Day for sale , so I scored me a little late Xmas pressie

A little cheap and cheerful Brimtoy King George rake from C1938-40 ... based on the LMS Locomotive to celebrate the coronation of King George in 1937

One of the Victims of WWII ... these beautiful locos only ran for three years in their bright colours , and the blue was only in the first year , 1937, before being blacked for the War and post war they were defrocked and taken back to non-streamlined versions .. rather a shame as I think they were beautiful

After many years of searching, and a few more months of waiting until Christmas,  I finally have my holy grail of mth tinplate, the Red 256!

I have been hunting for this at a reasonable price for at least 5 years. And as life would have it, I got so busy this fall I forgot to buy a replacement for the battery.  So yesterday,  living north of York,  I made a quick phone call to J and W, and drove down to pick up bcr 2 in person.

So this morning,  before the kiddos woke up, a quick swap was made, and away we go!


This simple around the tree action is just so satisfying to me it's unreal.  I just love it, and can't wait to set up on dcs and pull the full train.  Thanks for letting me geek out a little!


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@Miketg posted:

I too have not been very active lately. This thing called work and business travel has really gotten in the way. On thing I did pick up was this small bell ringing signal. I have a soft spot for these. Not sure if this is Bub or Bing and I canโ€™t seem to find a makerโ€™s mark.

All the best,



Made by Karl Bub, model 172/2 (1927-1936)




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  • bub172

I just posted a topic in the tinplate forum so here's my dad's 1936 American Flyer picture and video story.  The train appears at about 17:00 in the video if you don't want to watch the back story.  Please leave comments on the video if you have knowledge or info to help me.  Thank you and Happy New Year 2022.

See your other post in the Tinplate section for some comments.


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