Well my American Flyer "Champion" set came and its really in nice shape. Not only that but the engine is near perfect and when put on the track under power, it runs "like a Champion"...
smooth and with more than enough power to pull this little consist. The mystery is, what year was this sold or was it even a "set" or is this just a convenient set of cars/loco. Maybe some of you folks more expert on pre-war flyer can help? The mystery is that the loco is clearly the American Flyer called Type XIX by Greenberg was first illustrated in the 1933 catalog but as a 2-4-2. It was offered again in 1934 under the catalog number 612R as a 2-4-0 with the Champion tender. This loco clearly was never a 2-4-2 as there is no mounting for a rear truck nor is there any evidence that the loco has been altered. It also has a huge casting from the motor that projects into the space a rear truck would occupy. Greenberg states that the tender/loco combination was assigned Flyer catalog number 622R which indicates that the loco has a reverse, which it does. The reference says that this loco was offered in 1934 in a Champion passenger train , labeled No 950-RT but does not give the consist. Here is the engine and tender, note "Champion" name on the tender. There is the vestige of a decal reading "American Flyer" under the cab windows.

Now comes the other part of the mystery. The "set" came with two lithographed "Hummer and Express" type passenger cars with one variation. These cars, the 518 Club Car and the 519 Passenger Car are one piece like other Hummer / Express cars but as opposed to the more normal Hummer cars which are 5" long, these are larger at 5 7/8" long. These cars are in rather remarkable shape, no rust or scratched finish, some play wear but otherwise in great shape. The "problem" to me as a historical researcher is that the Greenberg reference states in the section on such cars that these were produced in 1931-32 too early for the locomotive, YET the reference also says that cars of this type were offered in some sets from 1933-38, so the mystery remains. Is this a "set" or just a convenient combination of cars of about the same period (does not really matter to me but I love investigating the history of these trains so I would want to know if possible). Here are the cars. They are clearly marked over the windows as "American Flyer" and not "Empire Express" or "Hummer" and as stated they are larger than the 513/515 car. The Club car configuration with the open baggage door seems to also be unique to this pair. Note they are pictured on top of page 201 in "Greenbergs Guide to American Flyer Prewar O Gauge by Alan R. Schuweiler, 1997 edition"

So I have an engine clearly offered with this type car in Champion sets but does not seem to have been made prior to 1933 (really prior to 1934 as a 2-4-0) seemingly combined with cars that have been offered in a Champion set but were seemingly made in 1931-32 although some information indicates they may be part of a set post 1933 !! So the American Flyer pre-war confusion (to me) continues. Help from others most appreciated.
Here are some pictures of the entire train:

Not sure I mentioned this but to me the great thing is that the loco is in just super condition, no rust or corrosion, gears are in perfect shape as are the rods and driving wheels, no zinc pest here. She RUNS smooth and perfectly...so around my layout she goes. Regardless of the few year discrepancy potential between cars and loco, this group is around 90 years old and still functioning as when she was built!! Doing better than me at 76 (LOL)
Best Holiday Wishes everyone