Well its been a rather self imposed drought here at the Musee de Fatman ... Sadly with the state of things in the world I figured my train budget for a while could be better served elsewhere .
But I simply couldn't pass this little fellow up .... and I think the Brothers Bing might have a little to say about the blurb on the box 
Specifically the "complete " aspect of it ...
However the loco itself IS a good deal smaller than a Bing OO ( Bing is about 110mm )

And a "Stolen off the web" pic to give us an idea of actual size .... Mine is complete and running this one is broke lol

Going by that the loco is about 68mm long ... I suppose then they might get away with their claim ???
Made in the UK post war I believe .. "Teeny toys " also made clockwork cars and other diecast stuff .
Been after one of these for a while now ...