One of my (1st run) 3rd Rail E7s is misbehaving. Experience suggests to me that its TMCC radio board, a R4LC-C, has issues. Given that TMCC receiver boards are now essentially unobtanium, I somewhat hesitant to swap out this R4LC-C with other TMCC radio boards (R4LC-C08 and some R2LCs) that I have. Are there incompatibilities between TMCC radio boards that one should be aware of?
The loco wouldn't move. TMCC addressing and sound control worked. I put it on the bench and opened it up. At first, nothing worked. When I came back to it a week later, everything seemed to work. I repaired loose pickup roller assemblies and put it back together, testing at each step successfully, until I added the fuel/water tank piece. Then multiple malfunctions manifested themselves, including the dreaded full speed upon throttle rotation. Now the loco makes engine noise but TMCC does not control sound or motion.
Are we to the point where we will be acquiring older/cheaper TMCC engines just to harvest the radio boards?