I would like to know why is it if a person says they want there layout to be as prototypically correct as they can make it, then why should you carry about 50 or so of the same railroad car.
Example: A person walks into a train store and purchased a 4 or 6 pack of the same railroad car. Now everything about this car says the same thing. The following items about this freight car is identical Road Name, Type, Model, Color,Size, but the only thing different about the set is The Road Number.
So my question is and I don't understand this because I've seen a lot of this type of thing on almost every you-tube video for several years now. Why would a person who cares about reality in there layout buy a large number of coal cars all with the same road number.
Please I don't want to Offend anyone I just wanted to make sure that I understand what I'm trying to say and do. Please help me understand this hobby.