Originally Posted by Rick B.:
Your post is exactly what spurred me to start this thread.
I think technology might be the solution for many of the roadblocks that keep appearing, using current practices.
The current ways, especially, when it comes to high end, highly detailed equipment, just aren't up to the task; and the prices are unaffordable for a significant portion of interested hobbyists.
A whole new generation of expensive precision tools/tooling needs to be developed, that is able to excel in sub... environments(micro work), to create anything near a scale realistic/prototypical appearance.
Affordable, technologically accurate imaging..., for the lack of a better word(s), should be able to get us there. The old ways are cumbersome, inefficient, overly expensive, often unreliable and lacking in craftsmanship... to name a few.
The dinosaur is dying.
BTW, you might get some new blood, too.
Please, don't blame me for this. This is pure fantasy without any reality - like, "Imagine what we could do if I could turn water into gold?" I;m all for progress but based on reasonable thinking and ome idea of how one would do.
And you are off base right from the start: "A whole new generation of expensive precision tools/tooling needs to be developed . . . " Seriously!!! You want a whole new generation of inexpensive machines.
The current generation of production methods, augmented by 3D printers and other real technologies now coming into fruition, will make reasonable improvements on our hobby. That will be enough for me - and that will be real.