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Hey guys, I'm looking for some help with a track plan. I have SCARM and I have a few plans going but I'm not getting anywhere, either I pack too much in the design or I cant get section to line up. I figured it was time to ask for some suggestions. I attached a basic sketch of the room with some measurements, I'll try to give as much info as possible, I want to use Atlas O 3 rail, I'm ok with one train or multiple train operation, The center of the rooms is an archway and 2' 4" walls I'm assuming are just covering roof supports, so I already planned on going around or through them with tunnels or both. I would like some kind of "yard" or at least an area to get trains off main lines. This is a spare room so no area is off limits. Any suggestions you guys can offer will be appreciated.


TCA 15-71514

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Door now included in sketch attached. No closets, room has windows but I plan on bench work being right up to the bottom of them so they wont interfere. I would rather go through the small walls instead of around them to keep an area for walking into the layout as open as possible, plus it will add a little character,  but if track has to go around then I can live with that. That "archway" as I called it is really an opening from floor to ceiling with the small walls on the side. Thank you guys for the quick response.


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  • IMG_8118

Do you have/plan to buy/dream of owning anything that requires O-72 curves at a minimum?

I don't know how soon I can get to your layout, but I should have something by the morning. I made a quick sketch off of your picture to give you an idea I'll be working on. The layout will have a peninsula to serve as one side of a dogbone, running to and then around the walls. The wall with the door can be used for storage/yard. A second mainline can be raised and connected to the lower.



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  • layout

Right side of door, from wall to frame is 4' 9". As far as running, I would like to do a mixture of both passenger and freight. I planned on mountains and hills wherever they fit and made sense after the track was laid, probably more so in the connected room with no door. The yard does not have to be huge, a few lines to move loco's and cars around and to not have to move everything by hand when I want to switch things up. Curves are what maybe messing up my plans to begin with, I know I don't have the room to make every curve 072 or 088, I was just trying to maximize the radius I can get in a given area. Lets face it, I don't have the budget to order every new vision line or premier set that comes out. If I see something I like and it works with my radius then I will grab it. Keeping this layout strictly prototypical was never in my plans. I will be building this with my 8 yr. old son so I want him to experience all aspects of the hobby. Chessiefan, that sketch looks great.

Here's what I threw together based on my first vision. Needs some tweaking, but let me know if/where you want some changes or if you want to go in another direction. The lower level is O-54 minimum. The upper level is a loop to loop with O-36. The lower and upper levels are connected.


I will be away from the computer for a while. When I get back to your layout, I think I might remove the double slip switch, move the upper level to the wall, and move the grade to the front with the lower level.

Feel free to play around with this version.


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  • first_draft
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