The traction tires on my MTH E8 diesel continue to throw themselves off even running at modest speeds, especially in curves Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Has anyone tried contact cement to keep them on? Has anyone tried "Bull Frog Snot," Thank you. -Syd Dann
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When traction tires get thrown off the wheel it's time for replacement. You can clean the wheel and tire but it will do the same. I find that a new set of tires and a real good wheel cleaning before you put them on works best. I have seen people use rubber cement and frig snot but for me is a set of new tires. I replace them with mth replace mental or I can use a lionel equivalent. In my experience lionel tires work better. Msby it's the type of rubber compound they use. Just my experience on traction tires. By the way if you have a large roster keep an assortment handy. Great to have them when needed and they are cheap.
I have never been successful at reusing a traction tire. When it comes off, I pitch them and put new ones on.
I tried Bullfrog Snot once, and I was not impressed. It also hardened in the container properly sealed when I went to try it again about three months later.
There are some posts here about cleaning the groove and using silicon sealant for a tire, but I've never tried it.
Running without traction tires is not universally acceptable. Case in point, I was restoring an MTH 2500HP Transfer Engine that I bought used. The old tires were gone, and when I got done with everything else, I forgot to put new tires on it. I took it to our modular club open house last weekend, and it couldn't pull more than a few cars up the 2% grade! This engine is normally a pulling fool, and now that I have installed the traction tires, it's a world of difference.
I don't use traction tires at all, neither do two railers. I posted a video on the forum Feb 4th. 100' of train 2.3 percent grade, no tires. But plenty of power
It obviously changes based on the locomotive in question. One issue with dual-motored locomotives is that if the motor that has the speed control on it slips, you won't go anywhere. The other motor loses power when the speed control thinks the no-load speed of the regulated motor is proper.
Running without traction tires is not universally acceptable. Case in point, I was restoring an MTH 2500HP Transfer Engine that I bought used. The old tires were gone, and when I got done with everything else, I forgot to put new tires on it. I took it to our modular club open house last weekend, and it couldn't pull more than a few cars up the 2% grade! This engine is normally a pulling fool, and now that I have installed the traction tires, it's a world of difference.
Yeah, there are some that don't do well at all. The point I was trying to make is that it doesn't hurt to try. I was surprised by the Vision CC2. I had to remove all the traction tires and I've seen comments here that it is traction-challenged but mine behaving itself spendidly without.
How do you like the transfer engine otherwise? Is it the latest model - must be older if its worn out its tires?
Gentlemen, where do you acquire traction tires, Lionel claims not available and refers to North Lima Trainworks. When I enter the Lionel part number (6000242206) for a Pacific 4-6-2, it shows as "not found." I have an email into North Lima but have not had a response. Is there another source?
I just started using Bull Frog Snot. Works good so far, we'll see what happens over the test of time. I clean the grooves with laquer thinner while running the loco upside down in the cradle. Then put the Snot in their with a paint brush, doing 3 different layers, letting each one dry before adding the next layer. It takes some practice like anything else. There are many YouTube videos out there with people showing how they use it and how they put in on.
MTH web site has a chart of part numbers , matching tires to their locos. Replacement tires are available from MTH.
Also, if you go to the York events, MTH has a stall solely for parts in the Orange hall.
242-206 is the postwar number for steam traction tires (600-0242-206). I get mine from either Jeff Kane or George Tebolt.
How do you like the transfer engine otherwise? Is it the latest model - must be older if its worn out its tires?
I like the engine, it's an older 5V PS/2 Premier. I bought it used, and it needed a couple of things fixed, nothing major. All I've done after that is added LED headlights, now with the traction tires, it's just fine. It's a uniquely different looking locomotive, some guys at the club had never heard of them.
A lot of guys I talk to say Weaver has the best traction tires. I don't run enough to wear any out except for one Lionel trolley.
Thanks C. W., I have already placed my order!
MTH web site has a chart of part numbers , matching tires to their locos. Replacement tires are available from MTH.
Also, if you go to the York events, MTH has a stall solely for parts in the Orange hall.
you can rarely find the popular sizes though.