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Hello all,

I need help with something -  questions listed below - I have read a significant amount of material on this subject from this board and I have concluded NOT to run trains over two blocks via different transformers (a train switching from track 1 to track 2 both controlled by a different transformer.  

I have found this forum useful that the best solution is to wire a particular block using a double toggle switch.  I have concluded NOT to run a train over two blocks using two different transformers.  My question pertains to how to isolate the blocks between them.

Here are my questions

1. When wiring blocks on a single main line using the same transformer in this case only isolate the center rail between blocks? For example - one main line, 4 different blocks - just isolate the center (hot)?

2 . When switching from one track to the other? (Using two different sides of the z4000) - how should the tracks be isolated? Common and hot? (All three rails). Does the Z-4000 count as two different transformers and do they need to be phased? Has there ever been a  case where the z4000 two sides were out of phase?

3. What about  a section between two DIFFERENT z-4000 units? I understand I need to make sure they are phased.  I read on here that some people just isolate the hot and others isolate the common and the hot.

In situation #3 it happens between the yard and the main.   I have a transformer handling the yard and then the yard lead meets the main line - two different transformers - this is where I will have a double toggle switch so that when on the main line next to the yard switch I can switch between Transformer A and Transformer B on the straightaway and then when the train out of the yard switch to the other transformer.

Thanks for the help!


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@Yank2304 posted:
- I have read a significant amount of material on this subject from this board and I have concluded NOT to run trains over two blocks via different transformers (a train switching from track 1 to track 2 both controlled by a different transformer.

Your conclusion actually should have been NOT to run trains over two blocks via different post on the same transformer (a train switching from track 1 to track 2) both controlled by posts on the same transformer(ZW, KW, Z, V, SW, R, eg.) as a serious damaging internal fault/short can occur when the two throttles are at different settings. While the same voltage potential can happen using different, phased transformers, the fault is external to the transformers and rarely causes damage.

Rich is correct.

Remember though that the throttles on the two transformers (each controlling a separate section of track) should be set to the same voltage before the train travels off of one and onto the other.  Otherwise:

1.) You'll get a significant speed change as the train crosses the boundary between the two;


2.) You'll essentially have a short circuit between the hot terminals on the transformers as the train crosses because you'll likely have one locomotive pickup roller on the exiting track and the other one on the entering track at different voltages.  Not a problem if the tracks are set to the same voltage (throttle setting) and phased correctly, because in this case it's a very small and temporary short circuit.  However it's a much more significant problem as the difference in voltage (throttle settings) becomes bigger, even if they are phased correctly, in which case it's a large temporary short circuit.  You could trip a breaker, or even melt the wire between the pickup rollers.



Last edited by Mellow Hudson Mike

Yes, isolate just the center hot rails.  The whole key is to phase all the transformers .  When traversing between two blocks try to keep the two transformers voltages close to each other and all should be good.

My layout has three LW transformers, all phased and operate three main loops.  The whole layout can be run on one LW, or two LWs or three LWs and traverse between loops all the time with out issues.


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