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OK guys, I do not know if I am the only one that has train magazines, catalogs, etc. laying around my recliner. What do you use to keep your train magazines, catalogs, and etc. Show us your pictures of your mess, I mean orderly way you keep these materials.


Sounds like a good item for OGR to sell.

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After many years of subscribing to many different magazines, both model and real, plus the periodicals published by some RR organizations I belong to, my old magazine problem has really gotten out of hand.  I just hate to throw things away because I can always refer to something in an older book but I had shelves, cabinets and then just boxes loaded full of old magazines.


I did donate a stack of CTT's and Trains mags to a local school that was starting up a model railroad club, but even they can't use many more.  So, here they sit.  taking up space in the basement, the garage and even in my bedroom.


My RR DVD and VCR collection is also getting out of control.  I must have close to 500 videos that I do, maybe once in five years, go through and take a look at. 


But, Man!  I need help!


Paul Fischer

I went digital with OGR (I save PDF's for reading later.) I don't subscribe to CTT or MR since I only get them when there's an article of interest to me, but I am thinking about buying the Model Railroader digital archive since the early days had more O scale. Also planning to buy the OGR digital archive. I keep copies of other publications in copier paper cases as they're just the right size and shape.

I use what they call a "Banker's Box" in the office supply stores.  I buy the 10" x 12" x 15" ones. 


It's basically for longer term storage, since the magazines/catalogs are on their sides when placed in these, so it works better (less bending/flexing) if the box is close to full.


I've also used copy paper boxes as Matt suggests, but those get a bit heavy when filled with 2 stacks of magazines/catalogs.  Benefit over the above is that in the normal storage scenario, the items lay flat, so all you need to do is maybe flip the binding from one side to the other every 8-10 magazines so the pile remains level.



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