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One of the hardest things I had to make a decision on........... but when you do not have a confirmed location to do the show, and the amount of money it takes to run the show, the decision is made easy. I am currently working on the Virtual Trainfest 2020.  We are working towards the 2021 show.

Mike Slater
Superintendent of the WISE Division of the NMRA


Trainfest®, America’s Largest Operating Model Railroad Show, is cancelling its 2020 show at the Wisconsin State Fair Park in Milwaukee. The event, originally planned for Saturday, November 14th and Sunday, November 15th of 2020, will be postponed until Fall of 2021.

Given the current pandemic situation and obstacles posed by COVID-19, including the state's uncertainty as to when the current ‘hospital setup’ will be removed from the State Fair Expo Building, the Trainfest® team reluctantly decided to cancel what would have been the 49th Annual Trainfest® event. Trainfest® apologizes for disrupting plans for attending Trainfest® 2020.

Right now, plans for Trainfest® 2021 are still in place. A virtual Trainfest® may be in the works for 2020. Please visit our website throughout the coming months for more information!


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  • trainfest-logo1
Last edited by Mike Slater
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