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Our 8th year and we were forced to cancel our community train display. This free display attracted about 1300 attendees during the month of December.

Over the years, a lot of folks from the forum have helped out with the display by donating track, accessories and even an engine. Rich Melvin drove out on our very first year during set up and offered some encouragement and a couple Ameri-Town buildings. We hate not setting up this year but we look forward to 2021!

I appreciate all the support over the years.

Here is a video from a few years ago-

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So sorry to hear you won’t be running this year. Every year around the holidays, I look forward to three threads that crop up... first, your Town Hall set up - it has that wonderful nostalgic feel of what layouts of my long lost youth looked like (with a little local history thrown in for added interest). I hope you will be back even better next year.

Second, I always enjoy the Pittsburgh Independent Hi-Railers set up at Kennywood. While I haven’t heard anything to date, I’m guessing that, due to the size of the crowds they get and the venue, they may not be setting up this year. They always have a unique whimsy in there layout, from Godzilla wrecking havoc to Santa and his reindeer running afoul of a wind turbine!!!

And third, the annual River City 3 Railers holiday set up. I believe I saw a post that they will be running this year, but on a reduced scale (at least I won’t have another fit of long train envy!!!).

I hope other members will fill the void with their personal holiday layouts... I’ve already seen a Hanukkah Tree, so we’ve got a start!!!

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