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I have a mid 90's ATSF chassis with a LCRU Command board, this is the same board that is in the 18313 GG1.  The head lite mounting is a single pin affair rather than a plug type.  Behind the pin there is what looks like a small black electronic thinggy...I believe this controls the on and off of the head lite when you change directions...Does any one know what this devise is and where to get???


Thanks,  Marty

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Originally Posted by SantaFeFan:

The part is most likely a MAC97 Triac.  Digikey has them.  It may be that the lighting is set for steamer, and all you need to do is reprogram the features.  I believe in program mode you can enter AUX1 then 5 to get directional lighting.


Jon, what's the separate little board?  I'd expect the triac to be on the LCRU.

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