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Trouble with getting my MTH variable working right, please help | O Gauge Railroading On Line Forum

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Hello everyone,

I finally got my MTH Wi-Fi, Lionel serial 2,legacy set up working pretty good but I am having issues running variable conventional engines on my Android Samsung tablet. I have set up my operation for variable one and it will come up and work and then all of a sudden I lose variable one? The only way to get a back is to close my tablet and open again but the same things happen, I get variable one  to work for a little bit and then I lose it. Please advise what is happening and how I can fix it. Very frustrating. Any help would be appreciated as usual.

Much thanks as usual, Jerry 

I can be contacted also at 



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Move this to the DCS forum.  Know you’ll get responses. Not sure how many people lurk in this forum.

kmcsjr's Avatar

   Looks Ok To US

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Thanks Marty

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Last edited by Jerry A
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