In the late 1980's, a special motor car trip across Canada was planned by the late Hank Brown...a true motor car adventurer. We were going to start at, I think, Vancouver and end in Halifax. The Canadian Tire Company would be a sponsor and upon arrival at Halifax, the Canadian Air Force would fly all of us back to Vancouver with our motor cars. This trip did not happen as some key trackage was sold by either CN or CP and the new owners did not want to honor previous arrangements. Many other trips were operated including Mexico and my family enjoyed any that we were able to participate in.
Once, at a Rail Expo held at former CRR-NJ Terminal at Liberty State Park, NJ...the NARCOA members set up temporary rails to operate their motor cars...CNJ #189 was my car.
Also ran CNJ #189 on Valley RR in Essex, CT., South Branch Valley (WVA), West Virginai Northern, Cass, the Ohio Central, Amtrak, CN, CP, CONRAIL, MILW, Algoma Central, Morristown & Erie, ex-CNJ, NYC/Adirondack RR, ex-PRR, DL&W/Steamtown, Susquehanna RR, Bellefonte Central (PA), SCL, WM, ex-MEC Ft. Eustis/Army (VA) and many more!
Best trip ever was on Ontario Northland from Cochrane, Ontario to Moosonee and return...a 3 day adventure!
A truly great aspect of the railroading hobby.