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There was a recent article in the NMRA magazine where Pine Sol was used on plastic - soak 8-12 hours then scrub off with a brush.  I haven't tried it, but it seems like it shouldn't hurt plastic.

I recently sandblasted and repainted a plastic caboose - no solvent was used.  Fine sandblasting abrasive didn't hurt the plastic.

As an aside, I like your choice of a donor.  I've never cared for the MTH club livery.

Last edited by Mallard4468

This is 32, 33 and 34 of these MTH club cars going to the stripper.  They have some clunky steps and out of scale handrails but the basic castingis very good. Maybe I’ll make this car rare for those of you that are keeping them as they are.

I had to smile about this post.  I took 20 of the MTH TCA and York cars and had them converted into PRR cars.  Here are some of them behind my M1a on it's maiden run after it got some upgrades.

@Mallard4468 posted:

There was a recent article in the NMRA magazine where Pine Sol was used on plastic - soak 8-12 hours then scrub off with a brush.

Have tried that with varying success; mainly partial. Some paint and layers come off, and some not so much. Every option seems to be variable at best.

This is why was hoping to read something from the OP.

@Krieglok posted:

That’s what I use. 91% isopropyl alcohol. I can leave cars in it for a week and it doesn’t harm the plastic….


Thanks, Tom! Obviously, I'll leave the custom cars to you, but occasionally I'll have a small painted plastic part, such as a horn or bell, that I need to strip and paint a different color and I didn't know IPA would do the job. When I worked at a manufacturing plant that produces 2-pyrrolidone (2-Py), I would bring various small parts in and use it in the lab as a water-soluble degreaser and stripper for painted plastics.

@mwb posted:

Not been my experience - days in isopropanol with some paint falling off some sections of cars and other sections of paint not budging.

Oh, well.....

Depends. Some MTH cars can be stubborn. They seemed to change paint formulas now and then.

Some Weaver cars, often with the simple graphics, actually tend to be very difficult.

I did one K-Line EP5 shell one time. It took a couple weeks, finally scrubbing and sanding to clean it up.


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