Originally Posted by Michael Hokkanen:
My governing agency has ceded me a 10'x15' foot room exclusively for my new layout. She is most beneficent. However, I must now scrape two layers of old wall paper (I hate that stuff) off the walls, sand rough spots, prime, double coat the walls, paint the ceilings and THEN I can start on the bench work. NOT FUN. Meanwhile I am stocking up carpet, spools of wire, electronic distribution boards, more Fastrack, and other odds n' ends. I keep reminding myself, "This is fun!".....
Eventually it will be.
Trust me, you don't want to do what I did - build the layout first and then think about the backdrop. More correctly, I tried to do the backdrop first, but the knuckleheads at one of the well-known backdrop purveyors (the one with the website built by 3rd graders suffering a sugar rush) were not interested in helping me. They kept pointing me to their dysfunctional website. That's $600 they didn't get.
But I digress. Yes, dealing with your walls stinks. But it will get better and you will be able to have a great backdrop. The backdrop will help immensely.
Right now, I'm struggling to get a backdrop in place with the benchwork already in the way. That is not how you want to do it.