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From what I have seen (and accumulated...), it looks like Plasticville tooling pretty much stayed the same as its' sales, marketing and packaging changed hands several (many?) times. I was wondering if there existed an ultimate guide to Plasticville kit-bashing,

As i root through the magazines and books out there for structure and layout builders, I see some real kit-bashing gems based on combining Plasticville kits. One I really like is in Dennis Brennan's Hi Rail Guide, based on several PLASTICVILLE AIRPORT kits, that he turns into an industry with a place to spot a car inside, almost like a grain silo.

Anyway, this led me to wonder if any bright MRR editorial talent has gotten together a compilation of plasticville kitbashes--preferably using only Plasticville kits as source material (but beggars can't be choosers....). Is anything like that available?

Failing a true "guide" as such, how about a bibliography of Plasticville-based kitbash projects? Anyone seen anything like that?

I have a lot of Plasticville kits and kit materials I will never use unless I can copy, plagiarize or otherwise 'flatter" better kit-bashers than me!

Don Merz

Last edited by Don Merz 070317
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