Well, I think Rich has said it very clearly. It all sits on the bottom line. IIRC Hot Water had commented just about the same response when the discussion was about the UP and some other steam engines in the US. It runs for no real value to the railroad because it is a loss in revenue compared to diesels, that has almost always been the case.
We always seem to talk about each railroad like they are the same thing, which can apply only to certain aspects of them, but not all. Parts have been taken from other engines, no one makes parts, certain shops/companies can make replacements but they are expensive, etc., etc. Whatever the problems are, there are not many solutions. I know the folks at Strasburg have said that they do do work for some folks, but it is not like they manufacture parts for Big Boys, Class A's, Hudson's or any other old steam locomotive(someone might tell me I'm wrong on some of that).
What can we do but sit and wait. See what comes and what our great locomotive experts like Hot Water, Rich and others who know what is what.